After received LLB from National Taiwan University, Daisy pursued and received her LLM from University of Illinois. Daisy served with the National Bureau of Standards (the former IPO) for more than two years and joined Lee and Li in 1979 for handling patent and IP related matters. Daisy is experienced in handling patent procurement and strategy consultation, patent dispute resolution, technology licensing etc. and, as of 1990s’, she has handled various leading patent/IP cases for Intel, Philips, ABB, Sony, Celanese etc. As of 2000s’, Daisy has started to help clients with their Greater China patent/IP matters, including both prosecution and enforcement aspects. Since 1999, Daisy has been continuously nominated as reputable IP professional via surveys done by various international organizations, such as IP Asia, MIP, Who’s Who, Chambers & Partners (Chambers Asia), IAM, American Biographical Institute, Expert Guide (Euromoney), Intercontinental Finance Magazine, Lawyers World Country Awards, MIP IP Star Award (Euromoney), Legal Comprehensive Law Award, Acquisition International Magazine, IP LawExperts,Asia IP Experts 2015,CorporateLiveWire, Newton Media Ltd., Five Star Law etc.
Master of Comparative Law, University of Illinois (1982)
Bachelor of Law, National Taiwan University (1980)
Patent procurement and strategy consultation; patent dispute resolution; technology licensing; unfair competition; Chinese patent and IP practice; patent translation management etc. .
Speaker, IP seminars sponsored by San Francisco IP Law Association Colorado IP Law Association CLE AIPL LES Lead researcher,” Intellectual Property Legal System in PRC and Protection Feasibility” Research Project Sponsored by National Science Council Co-author, IP Asia, World Intellectual Property Report, World Licensing Report, East Asian Executive Report articles Foreign Laws and Development on Security Interests in Intangible Assets- IPR in ROC Intellectual Property Protection in Asia
TIPS (Level A) & IP Management in Compliance of Company Management &Administration" Course & Self-evaluator Qualification (2022) "Intangible Asset Valuation Course" Sponsored by ITRI (2021) "IP Management & Company Management & Administration" Course" Co-sponsored by Chinese Association of Valuation (CAOV) & Company Operating & Sustainable Development Association (COSDA) (2020)