
ホーム >> 専門分野 >> 労働 >> Albert Fang
方金寳 Albert Fang

Albert Fang Albert Fang



Albert Fang has been a successful lawyer for more than 28 years and is currently working at Southern Taiwan Office. Having assisted many high-tech companies on various legal matters, he not only maintains close relations with high-tech professionals but also thoroughly understands the legal issues in the high-tech industry including intellectual property rights protection, labor disputes, corporate governance, etc. In addition, Albert has a lot of court experience in breach of trust, fraud, insider trading, and labor safety and health law. He has also worked on cases of consumer protection and administrative litigations, winning the trust and appreciation of numerous local and foreign clients.



Labor: Labor Law, Labor Dispute; Civil Dispute Resolution: Consumer Protection Law; Criminal Dispute Representation and Defense; Public Law Dispute Resolution: Administrative Litigations; Patent Enforcement, Trade Secret Protection And Dispute Resolution: Intellectual Property Rights; Real Estate and Construction


Publication: Analysis of the Development Strategy and Statute of Taiwan Cultural Creative Industries with Porter Diamond Model Reserve officer (1985~1987) Lecture on "Company Act" and "Securities and Exchange Act" at Accounting Department, National Cheng Kung University Lecture on "Legal Planning of Human Resources" at EMBA, Yuan Ze University Lecture on "Labor Law" at Industrial Technology Research Institute, Tainan Lecture on "Government Procurement Law" at Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs Lecture on "Legal Planning of Business Management and Human Resources" and "Review of the New Labor Retirement System" at EMBA, National Cheng Kung University Lecture on "Technology Law Practice" and "Civil Litigation Practice" at Southern Taiwan University Lecture on "The Prevention and Solution for the Payment Dispute of the International Trade Transaction" at Taiwan External Trade Development Council


Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (1992)

