
ホーム >> メンバー紹介 >> シニア弁理士 / シニア特許代理人 >> David Lee
李允中 David Lee

李允中 David Lee



David Lee is a senior patent attorney in the firm’s Taipei office, where he focuses his practice on patent prosecution and patent dispute cases, and is specialized in drafting patent applications, responding to office actions, handling patent invalidation actions, and setting up patent filing strategies. Before joined the firm, Mr. Lee had worked at the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) where he participated in improving thin-film (CVD) processes applied in the manufacture of a semiconductor. He started to practice patent prosecution at a law firm in 2003, and earned his foreign master degree in Intellectual Property from University of New Hampshire School of Law (formerly Franklin Pierce Law Center) in 2006 and passed the U.S. patent bar in 2007, the China patent bar in 2013, and the Taiwan (R.O.C.) patent bar in 2018. He also earned his law degree from Fu Jen Catholic University in 2020. Mr. Lee prepared and prosecuted patent applications in a variety of technology areas and has counseled clients in all aspects of domestic and foreign patent prosecution. His technical experience is concentrated in the areas of chemicals and materials and has worked on technologies such as pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, liquid crystal displays, liquid crystal materials, organic light emitting diodes, light emitting diodes, solar cells, polymers, and resins, to name a few.


Fu Jen Catholic University School of Law, LL.B. (2020)
University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law, Master in Intellectual Property (2006)
National Taiwan University, M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering (2001)
National Cheng Kung University, B.S. in Chemical Engineering


Patent Prosecution; Patent Drafting; Patent Search; Patent Invalidation; Patent Infringement


Taiwan Advance Patent and Trademark Office, patent engineer
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), process engineer


Taiwan Patent Attorney (2019)
China Patent Attorney Qualification (2014)
U.S. Patent Agent (2009)


Mandarin, English, Taiwanese Hokkien
