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Civil Dispute Resolution

Our Experiences
Our team of lawyers has extensive experience in handling various types of civil disputes. In addition to those involving company equity, management rights, mergers & acquisitions, labor relations, taxation, real estate, chattel mortgage, international trade, maritime affairs, aviation, bills, product liability, consumer relations, fair trade, government contracts and public works, environmental protection, communications, entertainment and sports, we are also well versed in cross-border legal disputes handling that can assist our clients with development of strategies for transnational cases and implementation of all the dispute resolution mechanisms.
Our Teams
We have more than 80 senior lawyers specializing in civil disputes, including former judges and prosecutors with extensive experience in dispute resolution, and also have lawyers with various expertise related to disputes, such as many lawyers are also civil engineers. Furthermore, many of us are licensed to practice in New York and California, ready to assist clients with cross-border commercial transactions, which have become the focus of today's corporate activities.
Our Expertises
The increasingly specialized and complex types of domestic and foreign commercial activities and transactions are leading to new types of legal disputes. The methods of dispute resolution have had to evolve too. Our Civil Dispute Resolution Practice Group features experts in the dispute resolution mechanisms of mediation, arbitration, and civil and administrative litigation. We are also able to leverage our interdisciplinary expertise to help clients prevent disputes.
Scope of Services

