Pro Bono

Promoting Pro Bono Work and Caring for Our Communities

We have represented both the government and industries, facilitatingᅠgovernment-industryᅠcooperation.ᅠWeᅠhave helpedᅠlocalᅠbusinesses growᅠinternationallyᅠwhileᅠassisting withᅠforeign investors' direct investment into Taiwan. We regularly advise government agencies and have contributed toᅠtheᅠdevelopmentᅠof landmark economic andᅠsocial policies and legislative initiatives. Finally, we strive toᅠserve ourᅠcommunitiesᅠbyᅠprovidingᅠproᅠbonoᅠlegalᅠservices andᅠworkingᅠthroughᅠorganizationsᅠlikeᅠtheᅠLeeᅠandᅠLi Foundation, Pro Bono Committee and the Lee and Li Volunteers.
