Cookies Policy
What is a cookie?
Cookies are files which are set by the browser and stored on the client-side. The data is generally encrypted. According to the duration of the Cookies, Cookies can be classified into non-persistent cookies (i.e., session cookies) and persistent cookies. A session cookie exists only in temporary memory and is erased when the browser is closed. A persistent cookie is stored on the user's hard drive until the user deletes the cookie or until it expires.
Use of cookies
This website uses cookies to help us to improve the performance of our website, enhance your experience on our site, and collect and analyze website traffic statistics. You can change your browser settings to disable cookies. Refusing or disabling the cookies may make our website or some features of our website unusable.
Cookies management
Most browsers of personal computers or mobile devices are set to automatically accept cookies. If you intend to refuse or delete our cookies, please follow the instructions of your browser's support page to change the cookie settings.