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Home >> People >> Senior Patent Attorney / Senior Patent Agent >> Tsung-Pang Lin
林宗邦 Tsung-Pang Lin

Tsung-Pang Lin

Senior Patent Attorney


Tsung-Pang Lin received his bachelor's and master's degrees from National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University, respective. After graduation, he worked as a research assistant and performed biological experiments for new drug development. Later, he worked as a patent engineer in Saint Island International Patent and Trademark Office.

His main practice area includes patent specification drafting, filing and prosecution for domestic and foreign clients as well as patent search. The main technical field of practice includes pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

He is also involved in drafting, filing and prosecution of Plant Variety Protection (PVP) applications for foreign clients.


National Taiwan University (M.S. in Institute of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2005)
National Taiwan Normal University (B.S. in Biology, 2003)


Practice Areas:Patent Prosecution, Patent Drafting,Patent Search; Technology Areas:Pharmaceuticals,Biotechnology


Research Assistant, National Health Research Institute
Patent Engineer, Saint Island International Patent and Trademark Office


China Patent Attorney Qualification (2018)
Patent Attorney (2015)


Mandarin, English, Taiwanese
