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Home >> People >> Senior Counselor >> Kayu Kuo
郭家佑 Kayu Kuo

Kayu Kuo

Senior Counselor


Kayu Kuo graduated from National Taiwan University and obtained a master's degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. Afterwards, he worked in a Japanese construction consultant company and a Japanese information system company and acquired the experiences in structure analysis and program development, and then entered Lee and Li. In 2008, he passed the first patent attorney examination in Taiwan and obtained the patent attorney license. Kayu Kuo's main areas of technical expertise are those such as motors, electricity plants, vehicle components, producing equiptments, transporting and inspecting robot systems, semiconductor producing equiptments, and medical devices. He mainly engages in patent prosecution, patent analysis, patent validity assessment, patent infringement assessment, patent right disputes (cancellation proceeding, patent administrative litigation and civil litigation, etc.), having participated in many cases and protected his client's interests.


M.S., National Tokyo Institute of Technology(1995)
B.S., National Taiwan University(1989)


Patent prosecution; Validity assessment; Infringement assessment; Patent right dispute


Ark Information Systan Co., Ltd. (Tokyo)
Pacific consultants Co., Ltd. (Tokyo)


R.O.C. licensed patent Attorne (2008)


Japanese, Mandarin, English

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