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Home >> Practices >> Trademark Dispute Resolutions >> May Chen (Chu-Mei Chen)
陳初梅 May Chen (Chu-Mei Chen)

May Chen (Chu-Mei Chen)

Associate Partner


May Chen graduated from Mechanical Engineering Department of National Taiwan University. May was working for Foxconn (Hon-Hai Precision Industrial Company) as a product developing engineer and a project manager. The engineer working experience laid the solid foundations for May's patent litigator career. After May obtained the master degree (LL.M) from Soochow University (Taiwan), May was admitted as an attorney-at-law and a patent agent. May has been handling many patent and design prosecution cases for clients worldwide and interested in learning new technologies and designs from clients. May and her team also provide IP and patent portfolio strategies and assist clients in patent drafting. In the meantime, as a litigator, May has been assisting clients, including well-known technology companies, in enforcing patent rights, defending against patent infringement accusation, maintaining patent rights, instituting invalidation actions, and other technology-related legal affairs.



Senior engineer & project manager, Hon Hai Precision Industrial Company (1992~2001)


R.O.C. licensed patent agent (2005) Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (2004)


2024 Recent Case Regarding Successful Patent Non-Infringement Defense Based on Practicing Prior Art
2024 Recent Case Regarding Successful Patent Non-Infringement Defense Based on Practicing Prior Art
LEE & LI Bulletin - May 2024

2019 2019 AIPPI World Congress – London
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
2019 141st Annual Meeting (2019) - INTA
International Trademark Association
2018 Conversation between technology and law—technology and the value of engineers in high-tech field
Lee and Li Foundation
2018 2018 AIPPI World Congress – Cancun
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
2017 2017 AIPPI World Congress – Sydney
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property