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Home >> Practices >> Patent Enforcement, Trade Secret Protection and Dispute Resolution >> Amy Chi
紀佩君 Amy Chi

Amy Chi

Senior Counselor


Pei-Chun (Amy) Chi is a registered US patent agent to practice law before USPTO. She specializes in assisting international high-tech companies and academic institutions in global patent portfolio-building, including in the jurisdictions of United States, Japan, Europe, WIPO (PCT), China, and Taiwan. Amy also has extensive experience in representing clients in patent invalidation, patent administrative dispute, and patent civil dispute cases before TIPO and Taiwan IP Court.

With solid engineering training, Amy strives to serve clients in the areas of semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor fabrication equipment and packaging, optoelectronic devices, unmanned vehicle, electric vehicle, bio-sensing, renewable energy, and material innovation.

Amy has served leading technology companies in conducting interview with USPTO Examiners and making technical presentation in Taiwan IP Court with consistent success. Notable clients include TSMC, ITRI, Nanya Technology Corp, Gogoro, PowerVision (Beijing), and MKE (Korea).



Patent Hub Filing (US/JP/CN); Patent Invalidation ; Patent infringement; US Patent Prosecution


Intangible Property Appraisal Certificate, Industrial Technology Research Institute
Lecturer of for-credit course "Patent Prosecution Practice", summer program, NTHU, seminar "AIA-US Patent Reform", Industrial Technology Research Institute, and seminar "International Patent System and Practices in Prosecution", Tze-Chiang Foundation of Science and Technology


Taiwanese Patent Attorney (2021)
Certified Valuation Analyst of National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (2018)
US Patent Agent (2012)


TSMC Outside Counsel Patent Prosecution Award

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ILO IP Newsletter (20240108)
2023 Does the Scope of the Patent Claim Match the Disclosed Content? - A Brief Discussion on the Rule of Dedication (2)
2023 Does the Scope of the Patent Claim Match the Disclosed Content?
- A Brief Discussion on the Rule of Dedication (2)

LEE & LI Bulletin - November 2023
2023 Does the scope of the patent claim match the disclosed content? A discussion on the Rule of Dedication – Part 1
ILO IP Newsletter (20231120)
2023 Does the Scope of the Patent Claim Match the Disclosed Content? - A Brief Discussion on the Rule of Dedication (1)
2023 Does the Scope of the Patent Claim Match the Disclosed Content?
- A Brief Discussion on the Rule of Dedication (1)

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2023 New Medical Technology Series (4) – Patenting in the US and China Under Technology Control (Focus on Confidentiality Examination)
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2023 New Medical Technology Series (4) - Patenting in the US and China Under Technology Control (Focus on Confidentiality Examination)
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2023 New Medical Technology Series (3) - Patent Drafting Practice in the Field of Radiation Therapy (China Example)
2023 New Medical Technology Series (3) – Patent Drafting Practice in the Field of Radiation Therapy (China Example)
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