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Home >> Practices >> Corporate and Investment >> Wei-Ting Liao
廖瑋婷 Wei-Ting Liao

Wei-Ting Liao

Senior Attorney


Wei-Ting's professional background covers biotechnology, medicine, entrepreneurship and IP laws. Wei-Ting specializes in brand protection and dispute resolution concerning trademark, copyright, domain names, trade secrets and unfair competition. She also advises on global brand protection strategies including IP license, trademark prosecution and management. For dispute resolution and litigation works, Wei-Ting has extensive experience on the administrative, civil and criminal procedures combating counterfeits. Wei-Ting also assists clients in the fields of biotechnology, medicine, food and cosmetics, ranging from issues of approval process, labeling, advertising to clinical trials. In addition to her IP & food/drug regulations expertise, Wei-Ting advises on the review and drafting of commercial contracts, such as sales, service and licensing.



Global Trademark/Copyright Protection (including Dispute Resolutions): Trademark, Copyright, Domain Names, Trade Secrets and Unfair Competition; Trademark Dispute Resolutions; Trademark; Copyrights Enforcement, Maintenance and Dispute Resolution; Civil Dispute Resolution; Criminal Dispute Representation and Defense; Food & Medical: Biotechnology & Medicine, Food & Cosmetics; Corporate and Investment; Family Heritage Plan and Family Affairs; P.R.C. Practice


Trainee Attorney, Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law (2019)
Intern, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP (2018)
Judicial Extern, Intellectual Property Court
Judicial Extern, Taiwan Taipei District Court (Civil Court & Specialized Court of Maritime Affairs and International Trades)
Research Assistant, National Chiao Tung University, School of Law
Legal Journal Associate Editor, Technology Law Review


Intellectual Property Capacity Building Certificate- Trademark Application Management (2020)
Intellectual Property Capacity Building Certificate- Trademark Maintenance and Application (2019)
Taiwan (R.O.C.) licensed attorney (2019)


Member (MCIArb) Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

2024 Trademark squatting-related disputes arising from the failure to make strategic trademark planning
2024 Trademark squatting-related disputes arising from the failure to make strategic trademark planning
LEE & LI Bulletin - January 2024
2023 Criminal Risks of False Labeling Should Be Highly Concerned by Enterprise Representatives
LEE & LI Bulletin - March 2023
2023 Criminal Risks of False Labeling Should Be Highly Concerned by Enterprise Representatives
2023 How can brand owners prevent counterfeits sold through one-page websites?
ILO IP Newsletter (20230313)
2021 The Draft Amendment to Regulations Governing Customs Measures in Protecting the Rights and Interests
LEE&LI Bulletin - July 2021
2021 The Latest PRC Court Practices in respect of Trademark Squatting by Agents in Mainland China
LEE&LI Bulletin - May 2021
2021 The Latest Draft Amendment to Regulations Governing Customs Measures in Protecting the Rights and Interests of Trademark (2021.02.22 Version)
LEE&LI Bulletin - March 2021
2020 What Should Taiwanese Brand Owners Do When their Brands have been Registered by Agents in Mainland China?
LEE&LI Bulletin - July 2020
2019 Patent Protection of 3D Bioprinting: a Study on Patent Eligibility of Bioprinting in the United Stat
Intellectual Property Right Journal, issue 242
2018 How to dance the patent dance? Marketing Approval Application and Litigation of Biosimilars in the U
Angel Publication (Book)
2018 Pre-Approval Patent Dispute Resolution Process Required under Trade and Investment Framework Agreement between the United States and Taiwan: an Analysis on the Patent Dance in the BPCIA and Patent Linkage
Trade Policy Review, vol. 29
2018 The Strategies of Marketing Approval Application and Litigation for Biosimilars in the United States – from the Perspective of Patent Dance in the BPCIA
Thesis of National Chiao Tung University, School of Law


2018 National Technology Law Seminar
National Chiao Tung University, School of Law