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Home >> Practices >> Capital Markets >> Nigel N. T. Li
李念祖 Nigel N. T. Li

Nigel N. T. Li

Special Senior Counselor


Nigel N. T. Li is a practicing attorney specializing in dispute resolution and international arbitration, media law, human and civil rights, international litigation and constitutional law. He is also an adjunct professor at the Graduate School of Law of Soochow University and the Department of Political Science of National Taiwan University. He teaches Constitutional Law, Human Rights, ADR and International Arbitration.

While serving as the Chairman of the Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei, from 2007 to 2014, Nigel was instrumental in raising the quality of transnational arbitration and enhancing cross-Taiwan Strait and international exchanges. He is also registered as an arbitrator with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.

Nigel is steadfast in his commitment to pro bono work. He sat on the Board of the Judicial Reform Foundation and his determination to preserve human rights and justice drove and sustained his many petitions for the Grand Justices' interpretation of the Constitution.



Civil Dispute Resolution: International Arbitration; Public Law Dispute Resolution: Constitutional Litigation, Public Law Litigation; Telecommunications and Media; Government Contracts


Former Chairman, Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law
Former President, Taipei Bar Association
Honorary Chairman, Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei
Former Chairman, Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law
Member, Presidential Advisory Committee on Human Rights
Secretary-General, The ROC Constitutional Law Society
Chairman of the Editorial Board, The CAA Arbitration Journal
Editor, Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs


Admitted to State Bar of California (1986) (inactive)
Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (1985)

Distinguished Alumnu Soochow University
Honory Chairman Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei

2024 論依循先例(stare decisis)如何及為何構成法源—寫在大法庭制度立法之後
2024 「得」與「不得」:試解釋字第371號解釋之疑—從釋字第1號解釋的解釋方法談起
2024 為什麼是雙首長制?雙首長制如何成就民主正當性?
2023 論釋字第371號解釋中「得」字的解釋
2023 A Signal Achievement in the Administration of Justice: The Recognition of the Attorney-Client Privilege by the Taiwan Constitutional Court
Transatlantic law Journal Vol.1 Issue.2
2019 Taiwan Arbitration Update, pp. 177-183
Asian Dispute Review
2019 Asian Values, Confucian Tradition and Human Rights, pp. 33–50
Taiwan and International Human Rights
2013 Cutting the Gordian Knot: Applying Article 16 of the ICCPR to End Capital Punishment, pp. 209-228
Capital Punishment: New Perspectives


2021 The 76th Judicial Festival Symposium
TAIWAN BAR ASSOCIATION (the first session)