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廖雍倫 Audrey Liao

Audrey Liao Audrey Liao



Since graduating top of her class from law school, Audrey Liao has been practicing as a licensed lawyer and is experienced in Trademark, copyright & domain name dispute resolution, Anti-counterfeiting plots and actions, Unfair competition cases, Customs border protection measures, Import& export regulations, both in Taiwan and China; Trade Secrets protection; Formulation of global brand management strategies, including trademark search & filing, portfolio management and assignment negotiations; Pharmaceutical Act-related cases, also in collecting criminal evidence on, participating in raids of, and dealing with criminal procedures for, fake and illegal drugs or medical equipment. She also provides consultation on Family & Business Succession related Laws and Trust. Audrey's legal expertise has been recognized by her local & global clients especially on protection of Intellectual Property Rights, and issues on Product Safety and Family Business Succession.



Trademark; copyright & domain name dispute resolution in Taiwan and China; Anti-counterfeiting strategies in Taiwan and China; Trade secrets protection; Customs border protection measures; Import& export regulations in Taiwan and China,Family succession by law & trust,Family law case,


Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (2004)


2024年 Trademark Protection Strategies: Trademark owners should put the accelerated trademark examination mechanism to good use
2024年 著作権侵害への対応 生成AIをめぐる各国の規制動向
LEE & LI Bulletin - June 2024
2024年 知的財産民事訴訟事件の第一審の管轄—「優先管轄」から「専属管轄」へ
LEE & LI Bulletin - April 2024
2024年 When should the trademark applicant file for restriction of the designated goods or services or for division of the registration application? Is the timing to file limited to the time before a disapproval decision is rendered? (Benefits of devising trademark strategies for various countries also considered)
2024年 Jurisdiction over first instance of IP civil actions: from jurisdictional priority to special and exclusive jurisdiction
2024年 Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Laws: Risks of Copyright Infringement associated with Generative AI
2024年 Whether using Open Graph Protocol to share links and place advertisements violates reproduction or public transmission rights
2024年 Trademark squatting-related disputes arising from the failure to make strategic trademark planning
2023年 未登録商標の権利救済方法とその困難さ
LEE & LI Bulletin - December 2023
2023年 Jurisdiction over the First Instance of Intellectual Property Civil Actions: From Jurisdictional Priority to Special and Exclusive Jurisdiction
2023年 Difficulties in pursuing legal remedies for unregistered trademarks
ILO IP Newsletter (20231002)
2023年 国際展示会におけるブランド商戦の法的攻防
LEE & LI Bulletin - August 2023
2023年 Amendments to Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act: impact on computer program works litigation
2023年 The Difficulty in Pursuing Legal Remedies for Unregistered Trademarks
2023年 商品の虚偽表示の刑事リスクは企業責任者の高度な注意に値する
LEE & LI Bulletin - June 2023
2023年 商標ポートフォリオ─「Web3.0」時代における商標保護
LEE & LI Bulletin - June 2023
2023年 Trademark protection strategies: Web 3.0 and trademark protection
ILO IP Newsletter (20230619)
2023年 Impact of the Amendments to the Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act on Lawsuits in connection with Computer Program Works
2023年 Does the NCC's draft OTT legislation sufficiently protect IP rights?
ILO IP Newsletter (20230501)
2023年 健康食品の表示とその商標登録出願上の注意事項
LEE & LI Bulletin - April 2023
2023年 Criminal Risks of False Labeling Should Be Highly Concerned by Enterprise Representatives
2023年 Trademark Protection Strategies: Web 3.0 and Trademark Protection
2023年 How can brand owners prevent counterfeits sold through one-page websites?
ILO IP Newsletter (20230313)
2023年 New regulations limit use of "health" terms in trademarks
ILO IP Newsletter (20230220)
2023年 The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights under the Draft of OTT Act
2023年 The Legal Attack and Defense of Brand Commercial Battle in International Exhibitions

